Thursday, May 31, 2012

"Scholarships" to encourage  green campaigns - sponsored by Intl.  WeLoveU Foundation [ Chairwoman Zahng  Gil-jah ]

As time passes, The more world develops, the more environmental problems threatening our life increase. Chairwoman Zahng  Gil-jah ( 회장 장길자), the leader of Intl. WeLoveU Foundation (국제 위러브유 운동본부)always seeks the fundamental causes about those problems and put forth a multilateral effort into solving them, in cooperation with  other countries.

To complete the true human welfare ,specially for next generation  to live in the future world, Chairwoman Zahng  Gil-jah  takes a long view and establishes a long-term plan   concerning the environmental issues that we face now. This is it, “In a clean environment, clean life can be formed and true human welfare can be completed.” 

That's the reason why the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation  being led by Chairwoman Zahng  Gil-jah,  supports the students ,who are the protagonists to lead this age, to encourage environmental protection activities  at universities.  I give applause to her and the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation

The International  Intl. WeLoveU Foundation  awarded scholarships to students from six different nations on May 23 to encourage environmental protection activities at universities around the world.
The 10 students from Korea, Bangladesh, Gabon, Germany, Indonesia and the Philippines came to Seoul National University to receive the $500 scholarships. Officials from Korea’s Ministry of Environment as well as foreign dignitaries including Gabonese Ambassador Carlos Boungou and Jakarta’s Director of Education Taufik Yudi Mulyanto also attended the conferment ceremony to support the students.

[ Zahng Gil-jah, Chairwoman
 of the Intl.WeLoveU Foundation -4th from left, front row- 
and guests celebrate 
after the foundation awarded scholarships  to university students from around the world to support 
their environmental protection activities in Seoul on May 23 ]

The students who received the scholarships also attended an International Green Campus Seminar to share ideas about ways to protect the environment from life-threatening problems such as climate change and global warming. They discussed and suggested environmental protection activities that university students could participate in on their own campuses.

The Intl.WeLoveU Foundation  gave the scholarships to university students to help implant environmental values in the hearts of the young. Encouraging the youth to become involved in environmental Welfare activities is a part of the Foundation’s Clean WORLD movement   . The Foundation states that: “In a clean environment, clean life can be formed and true human welfare can be completed.”

“As the global environment gets worse, many people of the world are suffering hardships due to diseases, water shortages and so on,” said Zahng Gil-jah, Chairwoman (회장 장길자) of the  Intl.WeLoveU Foundation 

“In order to overcome this crisis of the earth and humankind, we will continue
 to support and encourage the voluntary environmental protection activities 
of university students who are the protagonists to lead this age.”

The foundation’s  Clean WORLD movement   is spreading to countries such as the U.S., U.K. and Australia, where more than 125,000 participants have helped clean up hills, rivers, seas and parks under the initiative. 

The  Intl.WeLoveU Foundation   is a non-government organization which has been promoting welfare activities for children, youths, senior citizens and social welfare for neighbors in and out of Korea. It has given emergency relief to those who suffer from wars, famine, earthquakes and other disasters that take place in the world.

At the Green Campus Environment Seminar in March, the chairwoman of the Foundation, Zahng, and the president of Gabon, Ali-Ben Bongo, signed an agreement to cooperate on some of the serious international environmental issues. Approximately 250 university students in and out of Korea including Daejayon, which is a university student environmental group, attended the seminar. 

The   Intl.WeLoveU Foundation  hopes to continue developing the environment welfare movement in Korea and around the world to raise awareness of volunteer service and encourage global citizens to participate in environmental activities. 

By Lee Hee-su (